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  • Writer's pictureDaniel Fyffe-Jardine

New year, new me

Happy new year everybody! It's hard to believe that it's been more than 12 months since I started this mad journey. My tunnel vision has kicked in, energised by the arrival of my jungle stove and by learning at the participants' webinar about how bats try and climb into the hammocks for a cheeky late night snack. However this also feels like a good time to stop and reflect on what's happened so far.

Some fun stats thanks to Strava. I wish the bloody thing had told me I was so close to 2000km .... if I had known I would have done a few extra sessions or have taken the buggy for a few more jogs. Having said that, I'm quite chuffed at these stats - In 2020 my only equivalent would have been eating 2000 Pringles!

This is also evident in my final comparison photo - 1st Jan 2021 vs 1st Jan 2022. Behold devourer of Pringles vs devourer of far too many eggs and beans.

However the part of my body that has changed the most is my feet. Despite reading "how to fix your feet" and drastically upping my footcare game.... I've finished the year with mangled feet that make Bilbao Baggins Look like a Ford foot model.

We also had a fun afternoon sampling various brands of freeze-dried rehydratable food packs to see which one to invest in for the jungle leg. Greg Wallace was washing his hair that day so I was joined by Lindsay and Lucy who bravely chewed their way through some pretty indestructible and oddly crunchy pork stew in green pepper sauce. Needless to say this was no Max Verstappen dramatic last gasp win as the Posh Pork and Beans had easily this by a country mile.

Don’t forget there are tickets available to win the rugby ball signed by Rory Best to raise funds for the charity below.

11 weeks to go - Huzzah!

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1 kommentti

09. tammik. 2022

Wow….1956km. Not long to go sweetheart . I’ll be cheering you on from my armchair.

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