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  • Writer's pictureDaniel Fyffe-Jardine

Harlem Globe Trotter

Today’s blog isn’t going to be for the faint of heart because I’m to talk about body reconstitution and effect this has had on me.

On the 1st of January I took a photo of myself without my T-shirt on to keep track of my progress in terms of weight loss and muscle gain. I’ve now done a comparison with a photo from the 1st of June, just like the ones you see in the click bait pictures on social media (man loses 200kg by only eating banana skins for a year etc.)

I showed this to my cousin Daryn and he said “cool, you changed shorts”

At the risk of this page being confused for an OnlyFans site, I’ve decided to share that picture below as I’ve changed quite a lot physically. It’s been a great motivator on days when I’ve struggled with fatigue or lethargy. Especially when coupled with some of the photos my father-in-law took about 7 years ago when I was a lot chunkier. He had a lot of these! I actually had to ask him to stop sending them through.

However the side-effect that has accompanied my body reconstitution has been the arrival of what is known in the running world as runners trots. If you don’t know what I’m talking about Google is a great source of information, Memes and very funny stories on this topic.

Maybe it's because I’m eating more beans and eggs than I would thought possible, even with Heinz sight (sorry, mandatory dad joke) and maybe because some runs are lasting longer than two hours but I’m finding myself having to make slightly awkward pitstops.

If you've ever had the trots then you will also know that there is a certain urgency that comes with them. When it's time it's time. The upside is that I have been able to put my Prince 2 models into use on run days because I suddenly have to be more organised. Lindsay laughs about the fact that I won’t leave the house unless I’ve managed to go to the loo, but even worse I now carry a secret stash of toilet paper in my running pack!

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Aug 10, 2021

🙊🤣 🤣


Aug 02, 2021

Bravo! There is no way you've sculpted yourself just running... what else are you doing?

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