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  • Writer's pictureDaniel Fyffe-Jardine

Man Down

It was bound to happen eventually, but I caught Covid. I woke up feeling lousy and did a test just to rule it out. I’ve done so many lateral flow tests lately that I didn’t even notice that the result was positive …. Linds walked past and got a fright when she saw it! Also, I had made a number of assumptions about how well I would fare with Covid because I’m young and fit - but the reality was more one sided than a Floyd Mayweather fight and I was floored.

Once I wasn’t struggling to stay awake all day, cabin fever began to set in (as did my quarantine beard with its firebreaks and grey ‘highlights’) I was cheered up by a care package of biltong from Herm, wine gums from Theresa and a Joke from Alexis. “Chuck Norris recently tested positive for Covid and the virus had to self isolate!” I’m not sure I’ve ever watched so much Netflix either!

I’m finally allowed out of the spare room but it’s taken a while to bounce back in terms of energy. To celebrate I went for Steak on Friday night and I’m planning to get back into training tomorrow. With 18 weeks to go, I don’t have time for Covid. I’ve just kicked off my fundraising for the race and I’ve been very lucky to get some great support from friends and family. It couldn’t have come at a better time as the weather has turned for the worse and the sun has become rarer than the chicken hearts at Fazenda so knowing that people have committed money to the challenge is exactly the kick in the backside I need!

Finally, the great news is that we have booked flights to go and visit my parents in Harare and Windhoek respectively. A chance to see family, eat boerwors and enjoy sunshine that is not for display purposes only. Also a good chance to do a little training in warm weather (or at least not in the January snow) should really help ….. even if it means more cabin fever as we brave a 20+ hour flight with a toddler and a 1 year old.

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Nov 14, 2021

… really have been poorly my darling..…when you get to Namibia you will be nourished with sunshine, swimming, and of course braai and beer..…so looking forward to it..mama loves you😘

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